Privacy Policy | ENG

As part of our business, Björneman Advokat AB, registration number 559338-5239, of Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, 211 19 Malmö (“Björneman Advokat”) collects and processes personal data about you. The privacy policy below describes how we use your personal data.

This privacy policy deals with the following topics: (i) personal data related to Björneman Advokat’s legal services, (ii) personal data related to Björneman Advokat’s marketing, (iii) personal data related to applications for employment, (iv) personal data related to employees or contractors of suppliers or service providers engaged by Björneman Advokat, (v) personal data in relation to cookies, (vi) personal data transferred to third countries, (vii) your data protection rights, and (viii) how to contact us.

1. Personal data related to Björneman Advokat’s legal services

Our responsibility

Björneman Advokat is the data controller for the processing of your personal data in relation to our work providing legal services.

How we collect personal data

The personal data that Björneman Advokat processes has been provided to us by (i) clients, (ii) opposing parties, (iii) representatives of opposing parties, (iv) other persons associated with our legal services for clients, or (v) collected from private or public registers or other sources.

What data we collect and process


Björneman Advokat collects and processes data related to employees or contractors of legal entities that have retained our legal services and clients who are natural persons. The information consists of name, occupation, employer, Swedish personal identity number (or similar national identification number), contact information, case name, case description, financial information, information on whether the client or a close relative or known employee of the latter is a politically exposed person, the name and occupation/position of such a politically exposed person, as well as billing and payment information.

Opposing parties

Björneman Advokat processes information related to employees or contractors of legal entities that are the other parties in a legal dispute with our clients, as well as opposing parties who are natural persons. The data consists of name, occupation, employer, Swedish personal identity number (or similar national identification number), and case name.

Other persons

Björneman Advokat processes data about other persons associated with our legal services for clients. These persons may be representatives of opposing parties, arbitrators, judges, consultants, witnesses, experts, employees of companies that are bought or sold, as well as parties in a contract or similar agreement.

Specific personal data

In the course of Björneman Advokat’s work, we may process personal information related to violations of the law or other specific types of personal data necessary for providing legal services. Information about violations of the law that Björneman Advokat processes can pertain to business restrictions, money laundering, or other criminal acts. Individual sensitive personal data that Björneman Advokat processes may relate to race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in a trade union, health, or sexuality – provided that it is relevant to the legal services being provided.

Why we collect and process personal data

Björneman Advokat collects and processes your data in order to provide proper legal services to our clients and to be able to communicate accurately with opposing parties and other persons associated with cases.

We are legally obligated to process your personal information for the following purposes:

  • In order to assess for any potential bias, which is done as part of Björneman Advokat’s duty to prevent conflicts of interest.
  • If applicable, so as to comply with specific regulations regarding money laundering and terrorism.

We process your personal data to fulfil contractual obligations, such as the following:

  • In order to arrange invoices, reminders, and payments related to Björneman Advokat’s legal services.
  • So as to manage Björneman Advokat’s accounting.
  • For the purpose of covering operating costs that arise while providing legal services.

Björneman Advokat has a legitimate interest in processing your personal data for the following reasons:

  • So as to be able to defend against legal claims regarding the requirements of money laundering and terrorism and the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation.
  • In order to meet the Swedish Bar Association’s regulations regarding legal practice and defend against legal claims.
  • For the purpose of safeguarding Björneman Advokat in the event of any legal claims directed against the firm.  
  • In order to manage account fees.
  • To be able to communicate with you via email, letter, and telephone.
  • So as to arrange and organise meetings.
  • In order to provide accurate documentation and effective administration of our legal services.

We have a legitimate interest in processing personal data in order to safeguard and protect Björneman Advokat in the event of legal claims, manage our relationship with you as a client/opposing party/other person associated with a case, and fulfil Björneman Advokat’s ethical requirements as a law firm.

You are not legally obligated to provide us with your personal data, but it is mandatory to enter into an agreement with Björneman Advokat as a client. If you do not provide your personal data, we will not be able to fulfil or meet Björneman Advokat’s agreements and commitments to you.

Access to your personal data

In light of the fact that we are subject to the statutory requirements for legal professional privilege and duty of confidentiality, Björneman Advokat only shares your personal data in certain specific instances.

Björneman Advokat discloses personal data to:

  • Other parties affiliated with or persons within Björneman Advokat (if necessary). This may, for example, be required in order to assess for any potential conflict of interest.
  • Opposing parties involved in the case.

Your personal data is also shared with parties who process personal data on behalf of Björneman Advokat (personal data processors), such as:

  • IT and computer system suppliers who develop and support Björneman Advokat’s computer systems and cloud services.
  • Archiving service providers that Björneman Advokat contracts in order to help meet our filing and documentation duties.

In relevant cases, your personal data is also disclosed to parties, who themselves are data controllers in their processing of personal information, such as the following:

  • Your insurance company, accountants, or similar firms in accordance with your instructions.
  • Liability insurers, in order to take legal action.
  • Representatives of opposing parties involved in your case.
  • If applicable, to arbitration boards and courts.
  • Authorities, like Kronofogden (the Swedish Enforcement Authority), provided that such disclosure is stipulated by law.
  • Banks and debt collection agencies, e.g. for client funds and to handle legal action.
  • The police or Finanspolisen (the Financial Intelligence Unit of Sweden’s national police), if such disclosures are required by law.
  • The bar association, if such an obligation exists.

How long we process and save your personal data

Data that Björneman Advokat processes in order to provide you/our client who employs or contracts you with the agreed-upon legal services is generally processed in the time required for us to manage the contractual relationship, provide our services, and fulfil our obligations to you/our client who employs or contracts you. However, should legal obligation or a balancing of interests necessitate it, Björneman Advokat may store your personal data for a longer period of time.

According to Swedish Bar Association regulations, we are obliged to save information related to a case for ten years after the end of our legal services or, if necessary, for a longer period of time. Björneman Advokat also processes limited information in order to meet the requirements related to assessing for any potential conflicts of interest, as well as to defend against legal claims for ten years, as per the limitation period in the Limitation Act.

Personal data relating to payment, which the Accounting Act requires us to process, is saved for seven years, as required by the Accounting Act. Björneman Advokat also processes some information about payment in accordance with applicable billing or consumer protection laws.

2. Personal data related to Björneman Advokat’s marketing

Our responsibility

Björneman Advokat is the personal data controller for processing your personal data related to the marketing of our firm.

What data we collect and process

Björneman Advokat collects and processes personal information about you, including your name, email address, workplace, and other contact information. We collect this data from you when (i) you become a client of Björneman Advokat (if you are a client), (ii) you otherwise came into contact with Björneman Advokat or an employee of Björneman Advokat, or (iii) you request to receive our email newsletters and similar material.

Why we collect and process personal data

Björneman Advokat processes your personal data in order to share informative content and marketing materials with you. We base our content and marketing on a number of factors, including Björneman Advokat’s legitimate interest in having a business relationship with you by communicating specific information about specific topics and Björneman Advokat events that we think would be relevant to you as part of your professional role. If you want to know more about the different factors used for content and marketing, you’re welcome to reach out through the Björneman Advokat contact details below. Once you give your consent for us to process your personal data for the above-stated marketing purposes, Björneman Advokat can begin sending you digital content and marketing materials.

Access to your personal data

Your data is processed by Björneman Advokat. However, certain personal information may be shared with IT and computer system suppliers who process data on behalf of Björneman Advokat (personal data processors). When applicable, personal data processor agreements are signed by those involved, which means (among other things) that the personal data processors are obliged to process the information securely, correctly and with confidentiality.

How long we process and save your personal data

Björneman Advokat processes the data that you’ve given us your consent to use until you withdraw that consent. If consent has not been denied but also not given, Björneman Advokat will process the data as long as you or your employer or client have a business relationship with us and then for 15 months thereafter. You can unsubscribe from mailings from Björneman Advokat at any time. If you unsubscribe, Björneman Advokat will immediately stop processing your personal data for marketing purposes.

3. Personal data related to applications for employment

Our responsibility

Björneman Advokat is the data controller for personal data in the recruiting process and the processing of your personal information as a job applicant.

What data we collect and process

Björneman Advokat processes the personal data that you provide Björneman Advokat through your application. This information consists of name, Swedish personal identity number (or similar national identification number), address, telephone number, email address, any pictures provided, education, academic or occupation certifications, professional experience, and other information you include about yourself in your employment application.

Why we process personal data

Björneman Advokat is legally allowed to process your personal information based on the following: (i) our duty to comply with employment laws, (ii) our own legitimate interests, and (iii) your consent.

We are legally obligated to process your personal information and consider your rights in terms of employment law for the following purposes:

  • To defend Björneman Advokat, should the firm be the subject of any legal claim under the Discrimination Act.

Björneman Advokat has a legitimate interest in processing your personal data for the following reasons:

  • In order to assess and consider different applicants based on experience, qualification, and education.
  • In order to be able to manage notifying applicants and scheduling interviews.
  • For the purpose of reviewing and verifying your CV, cover letter, qualifications, and education.

In light of the fact that Björneman Advokat must be able to properly recruit new employees for the firm, we consider ourselves to have a legitimate interest in processing your personal data.

Björneman Advokat processes your personal data, with your consent, for the following purposes:

  • To assess your qualifications and experience as part of the recruitment process.
  • To save your information in order to consider you for potential future recruitment.

The disclosure of your personal data is not a legal or contractual requirement. You are under no obligation to provide your personal data to Björneman Advokat. If you do not provide your personal data to Björneman Advokat, however, we will not be able to fulfil our obligations towards you in carrying out the recruitment process

Access to your personal data

Your personal data is shared with parties who process personal data on behalf of Björneman Advokat (personal data processors), such as:

  • Other parties affiliated with or persons within Björneman Advokat (if necessary).
  • Partners who manage our IT systems and document management systems on behalf of Björneman Advokat.

How long we process and save your personal data

After the recruitment process has ended, we don’t handle any personal information for Björneman Advokat’s own interests. However, some personal data needs to be processed in order to prove Björneman Advokat has complied with the Discrimination Act. Therefore, we save information from application documents for two years after recruitment has been completed. If you consent for Björneman Advokat to continue processing your personal data for future recruitment, we’ll save and process your data for that purpose until you withdraw your consent or future recruitment ceases.

4. Personal data relating to employees or contractors of suppliers or service providers

Our responsibility

Björneman Advokat is the personal data controller for the processing of personal data relating to employees or contractors of our suppliers and service providers.

What data we collect and process

Björneman Advokat collects your personal data (name, telephone number, and email address) from your employer or client in connection to our business relationship with them or which you provide to Björneman Advokat in accordance with that business relationship.

Why we collect and process personal data

Employee or contractor of a supplier or service provider

Your personal data as an employee or contractor of a supplier or service provider engaged by Björneman Advokat is processed as per our contractual agreement with that supplier or service provider for the purposes of invoice administration, payment and management of the contractual relationship, administration of deliveries, as well as contact and communication. We also process your personal data as an employee or contractor for Björneman Advokat’s own legitimate interests, such as being able to manage contracts and meet our obligations to suppliers or service providers (your employer or client).

If applicable, Björneman Advokat also processes personal data about you as a supplier or service provider’s employee or contractor for accounting purposes, e.g. regarding invoicing or payment for services or products. The processing is carried out by Björneman Advokat as per the legal requirements of the Accounting Act.

Sole proprietor/contractor

If you provide your personal data to Björneman Advokat as a sole proprietor/contractor, we will process your personal data when required to meet the terms of Björneman Advokat’s agreement with you or in order to take certain actions at your request before an agreement is concluded. Furthermore, Björneman Advokat processes your personal information to manage our agreement with you and maintain continuous contact with you, as well as be able to do business with you.

You are under no obligation to provide your personal data to Björneman Advokat. However, if you do not provide your personal data, Björneman Advokat will not be able to enter into an agreement and subsequently not be able to meet its terms and maintain a contractual relationship with you.

Access to your personal data

Björneman Advokat shares your personal information with:

  • Other parties affiliated with or persons within Björneman Advokat (if necessary). 

Your personal data is also shared with those who process personal data on behalf of Björneman Advokat (personal data processors), such as:

  • IT and computer system suppliers who develop and support Björneman Advokat’s computer systems and cloud services.
  • Archiving service providers that Björneman Advokat contracts in order to help meet our filing and documentation duties.

Your personal data is also shared with parties, who themselves are data controllers in their processing of personal information, such as the following:

  • Authorities, like Kronofogden (the Swedish Enforcement Authority), provided that such disclosure is stipulated by law.
  • Banks and debt collection agencies.

How long we process and save your personal data

Personal data that Björneman Advokat processes in order to be able to implement its agreement with you/the supplier or service provider with whom you are an employee or contractor is generally processed in the time required for us to manage the contractual relationship, meet its terms and fulfil our obligations to you/the supplier or service provider with whom you are employed or contracted. Should your employment or assignment with the supplier or service provider cease, or Björneman Advokat’s service agreement ends, any processing of your personal data will be terminated as soon as we are informed. 

Any personal data related to payment is processed and stored for seven years afterwards, as required by the Accounting Act.

If your personal data is associated with an agreement between Björneman Advokat and suppliers or service providers that are no longer active, we are required to store the information for ten years as per the Limitation Act.

5. Personal data related to cookies

Björneman Advokat’s website (“Website”) uses cookies. You can read more about how we use cookies in Björneman Advokat’s cookie policy. We currently only use cookies that are absolutely necessary for the Website to function correctly. This category of cookies only contains those that ensure basic functionality and security of the Website. These types of cookies do not store any personal data, and thus, Björneman Advokat does not currently process any personal data related to cookies.

6. Personal data transferred to third countries

As a general rule, Björneman Advokat – as well as our suppliers, service providers, and partners – only process your personal data within the EU/EEA. For instances in which personal data is processed outside the EU/EEA, either the European Commission has ruled that the third country in question has an appropriate level of protection or measures are in place to ensure that your data protection rights are preserved.

7. Your data protection rights

Björneman Advokat processes your personal data in accordance with a number of data protection rights that you are entitled to. These rights are explained in more detail below. If you wish to exercise your data protection rights, please send us a message using the Björneman Advokat contact details below.

The right to withdraw consent and object to processing

You always have the right to withdraw all or part of the consent you’ve given Björneman Advokat to process your personal data. Such a withdrawal takes effect the moment consent has been revoked. You also have the right to object to your data being processed for marketing purposes. In such an instance, Björneman Advokat will cease processing your data for marketing. Furthermore, you have the right to object to your data being processed for Björneman Advokat’s own interests.

The right to access

If you want to know what personal data of yours Björneman Advokat processes and how it is processed, you have the right to request that information. You also have the right to request a copy of your personal data that Björneman Advokat processes.

The right to rectification 

You have the right to request Björneman Advokat correct any of your personal information that you believe is incorrect without undue delay.

The right to erasure and restrict processing

You always have the right to request that Björneman Advokat delete your personal data. This can happen, for example, if the processing is no longer relevant in relation to the purpose for which the data was collected or if you object to processing based on Björneman Advokat’s own interests (e.g., marketing). You also have the right to request that certain processing of your data be restricted. This can happen, for example, if you object to the accuracy of the data.

The right to data portability

If you have given your consent or if Björneman Advokat bases its treatment on a contractual relationship with you, you have the right to receive the personal data concerning you that you have provided to Björneman Advokat in an orderly, generally used and machine-readable format and pass these on to another personal data controller or get Björneman Advokat’s assistance in passing on the data to another personal data controller in cases where it is technically feasible.

If you have given your consent or if Björneman Advokat’s processing is based on a contractual relationship with you, you have the right to request that copies of your personal data be processed by Björneman Advokat in an organised, commonly used and machine-readable format and that we transfer it to another personal data controller or assist in transferring the data to another personal data controller, if technically feasible.

The right to lodge a complaint

If you have concerns regarding Björneman Advokat’s processing of your personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection at

8. How to contact us

If you wish to get in touch with Björneman Advokat regarding our processing of your personal data, you can contact the personal data controller via the details below:

Björneman Advokat AB
Registration number: 559338-5239
Postal address: Nordenskiöldsgatan 24, 211 19 Malmö
Phone: +46 (0)760 212 466